Friday, October 10, 2008

My daughter is a "Whiskey Girl"? LOL

History of "I'll be your Huckleberry"

Not much help...still it sounds kinda adorable...are you?

Feeling a TAD better today (could it be the DayQuil?) But if anyone were to ask me about having a flu shot, I'd say, I'll take my chances...better than "I really don't want to get's my arm, please inject me with a virus". Damn. Last time for that in spite of all the people who swear by them.

Actually made it out of the house today tho...groceries, liquor and a client...

Cleaned up the kitchen too...2 sick people in the house make for a sink full of dishes.

Ex to arrive in town today...can I strangle him? Oh wait, something tells me he is already in a stranglehold by another - poor fellow...what on earth does she have on you to make you such a total wimp?

Going to Vegas Baby for Thanksgiving! Woooo Hooo!

Lesson learned: stupid spending is stupid! Think I'm learning anything finally? LOL

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