Wednesday, September 8, 2010

53 before 53

Inspired by my AMAZING daughter who posted her 22 things to do before she turns 22, I wanted to see where my true desires lie. My 52nd birthday is in less than a week so I am going for one year + a week :) Here goes!

1. Become financially independent again.
2. Find what it is that will earn me an abundant living and be FUN - and DO IT!
3. Find romance, love and a partner in this beautiful and interesting life.
4. Travel again - anywhere is cool, but Greece would be awesome.
5. Get to my ideal weight.
6. Play in a major poker tournament again - bonus if I cash!
7. Get my ass out of the house at least once a week socially.
8. Make at least 5 new close friends.
9. Begin and stick with an exercise program.
10. Go to a museum in Denver.
11. Go to the Denver Zoo.
12. Become a healer that is paid for my services - this very well may be the same as #2.
13. Read 12+ books.
14. Start a savings account.
15. Host a beautiful party or two.
16. Make my father proud of me.
17. Eat only truly healthy foods (already mostly there...)
18. Try something that I have never done - maybe even something that is somewhat scary.
19. Improve my vocabulary so that I can keep up with my daughter :)
20. Visit my daughter at her 1st non-college home.
21. Watch my son grasp the benefits of education with zest.
22. Have an lovely family holiday together.
23. Feel truly spiritual and connected.
24. Learn how to cook (or non-cook, as in raw) a bunch of new recipes.
25. Get my yard/garden in order as I dream of having it.

wow...not even half way done...

26. Sell at least 10 homes.
27. Take a romantic vacation.
28. Go camping (yes, #27 could be the same as #28).
29. Volunteer for a cause/event I believe in.
30. Do regular RAKs (random acts of kindness) - I got out of this habit...
31. Visit Chicago and see if any broken bridges can be mended.
32. Feel 100% comfortable in my own skin.
33. Use my skills at word-smithery (is that even a word? lol) for good - blogging, writing a book or ?
34. Play more games - as a social event - and become a better chess player.
35. Remember to dream daily, quit whining and always stay positive.
36. Do something that truly makes a difference for our planet.
37. Never stop telling my loved ones how I feel.
38. Get out of my head more and take life as it comes without over analyzing.
39. Be grateful each and every day.
40. Go to a symphony concert again.
41. See a couple of plays.
42. Hear some awesome oldies music at Red Rocks.
43. DANCE.
44. Find a few new restaurants to try (let's say 6+).
45. Get my original birth certificate - avail. as of 11/2011
46. Attempt to find my siblings and maybe birth parents.
47. Take a road trip (never been something I really enjoyed but I think it is time to give it another chance).
48. Begin painting and/or photography (or a new creative medium) again and stick to it.
49. Put myself "out there" (I know what I mean here...)
50. Connect with my old friends on a regular basis - don't let so much time pass.
51. Live a non-judgmental life.
52. Try a new hobby.

and...last but not least, for myself and my children,

53. Quit smoking - ok, I agree to try again...and hope to succeed but can't make any promises.

Thanks Morgan! What a great thing to do each and every year! In the past I wrote about what I had learned in the preceding I look to the future! <3